Wednesday, December 31, 2008

mxmlc ant Flex task in Groovy


lately, there was a need to add a flex compilation feature to the Vine Toolkit build system. In the build scripts we're using Groovy as our extension to Ant scripts so I designed some additional logic to automatically choose source files and compile them in a special manner:

  • compile only source files with the Vine Toolkit extensions,
  • add locale bundles,
  • add dependent source paths,
  • add external libraries.

I'm presenting this code because not all options were mapped correctly in ant task def, especially the external library path was pretty troublesome :)

Here is the code snippet:

flexAppPath - path to the flex sources.
flexLocalePath - path to the flex locale bundles.
dependentSourcePath - path to dependent flex sources.
flexLibPath - path to the external swc libraries.

antBuilder.fileset(id: "flexSourcesList", dir: flexAppPath,
includes: "**/*.mxml") {
antBuilder.contains(text: "VineApplication")

if (new File(flexLibPath).exists()) {
antBuilder.fileset(id: "flexLibList", dir: flexLibPath,
includes: "**/*.swc")


antBuilder.project.references.flexSourcesList.each {
println "Compiling " +
file: it) {
antBuilder.''(applicationBuild.getBuildAptPath() + '/WEB-INF/services-config.xml')
println "* Using services-config.xml file from: " + applicationBuild.getBuildAptPath() + '/WEB-INF/services-config.xml'
println "** Adding locale source path: " + flexLocalePath + '/{locale}'
antBuilder.'compiler.source-path'(flexLocalePath + '/{locale}')

new File(flexLocalePath).listFiles().each {
if (!".")) {
println "** Adding locale: " +

antBuilder.'compiler.source-path'('path-element': flexAppPath)
println "*** Adding dependency from: " + flexAppPath

usesProjectBuildList.each {
String dependentSourcePath = it + 'flex/src'
antBuilder.'compiler.source-path'('path-element': dependentSourcePath)
println "*** Adding dependency from: " + dependentSourcePath

antBuilder.project.references.flexLibList.each {
String libraryPath = it
println "**** Adding external library: " + libraryPath
antBuilder.'compiler.library-path'('file': libraryPath, 'append': 'true')

I especially like this code for listing files:

new File(flexLocalePath).listFiles().each {
if (!".")) {
println "** Adding locale: " +

This is the pure power of Groovy especially in conjunction with ant features.

Enjoy :)

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